Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 1A: funny scary or scary scary

The scariest moment of my life happened five years ago at my house in my kitchen. This was when my sister and brother-in-law lived with us. My niece Emma was a little over a year old and my nephew Alex was not born yet. One night my sister Marci came and told me to take Emma downstairs but then they said to take her back to my room. Basically they just wanted us to stay out of the way. Before I could get Emma back to my room some of my neighbors came in. It was the mom and dad and their 18 or 19 year old daughter. My brother-in-law was in the kitchen and the dad confronted him. He came in saying stuff like “You think you’re some tough guy!” and my brother-in-law responded “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about” and he was warning my neighbor that he would sue for assault. Then he yelled for Marci. I heard all of this from the next room and I was scared to death. I was in 4th or 5th grade and had never heard anything like this. I ran to the hall and started getting my shoes on, crying the whole time, and was planning on running. Anywhere, I just needed to get away. My sister Rosie came and drove me over to the same neighbors’ house. All the other kids my age were there so we played games the rest of the night. Even though I was in no danger it was a very scary scary situation.