Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog No. 14: Introvert or Extrovert?

Introvert or Extrovert?

For me, the hardest part of high school is dealing with other people. I am shy around groups of people especially if they are not people that I talk to regularly. I had never heard of these two classifications before today, but I suppose I am an introvert. I hope that there is some cure for this disease!

This year I have had problems with people always thinking that there is something wrong with me because I am quiet. I am quiet most of the time because I feel awkward around groups of people. Usually I only speak when spoken too because I don’t like being the center of attention. Some of you reading this may think “Yea right, I wish you would shut up!” Well if you are thinking that then that means that I am close enough to you to feel comfortable.

The problem with being quiet is that no one knows what I am thinking or how I am feeling. I am a much closed person so I am not going to tell someone how I feel unless someone asks. Even then I still sometimes hold it in. This is probably my worst habit because I hold in too much and it drags me down.

When I am worn out and I need a boost of energy, I do not want to be around a lot of people. Being around people is what usually makes me stressed. I don’t want to be completely alone either because I spend most of my time alone. I live in the country and all my siblings have moved out so I have to be by myself most of the time. When I want to recharge my batteries, the best way is to spend time relaxing with one my best friends.

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