Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog No. 12: What to do without electricity?

12 Things to do with no Power
(Prompt No. 7)

Electricity has been a discovery that has greatly influenced the lives of humans. Almost everything that we do requires electricity to function, including cooking food, cleaning the house and dishes, or lighting or homes. Electricity has also become the biggest source of entertainment. We watch TV, play games or use the internet on the computer, or play game systems.

We have become so dependent on using electricity that we forget how much fun we can have without it. What would happen if your parents said that you weren’t allowed to use your TV or computer for a day? Would you complain and be miserable all day or would you take the opportunity to find new ways to have fun? I hope that you, or anybody that this may happen to, would find alternative ways to have fun. After all, what did people do in the 17th century, before electricity was discovered? They found ways to have fun too.

1. Go take a nap. This first option may not be considered as something fun to do, but it sometimes can be the best thing to do. Many times I don’t get to bed soon enough and I have to wake up way to early, so a nap feels good when I take one.

2. My next option is to read a book. I like to read and if I am feeling lazy, but not tired enough to take a nap, reading is very relaxing.

3. Another good way to have a good time is to play card games. I used to play with my family a lot and we always had fun.

4. Board games, like Monopoly and Life, are loads of fun too.

5. This option is only for people that can play a musical instrument. It takes a lot of practice to be
good at guitar or piano or any instrument, so when electricity is not available is a good time to practice.

6. The rest of my suggestions all happen outdoors. The first is to walk the dog. Then the dog will be happy and it is fun to play with dogs.

7. A dog is not needed to take a walk. Taking a walk or going for a run can be fun and it feels good.

8. When I don’t have enough energy to run, and it is pointless to walk, I love to go on a bike ride. A bike ride does not need to be exerting and a lot of ground can be covered.

9. This is my favorite option on my list of 12, but it works best if you have friends to play with you. Playing a sport has always been my favorite thing to do with friends. It doesn’t matter if we are playing basketball, baseball, football, or soccer, it is always fun.

10. When my friends and I weren’t playing sports, we were often times playing capture the flag. That is a fun game because all that you need is space to play and something that you can use for flags.

11. A scavenger hunt is fun too. This can be done alone or with friends. All that needs to be done is to make a list of things to find and then go do it.

12. The last thing that can be done without electricity is volunteering to help someone. It doesn’t matter who it is that you help or what you do, but it will make you feel good and keep you occupied. What activities that could be done may depend on the weather, such as mowing the lawn, raking leaves, or shoveling snow.

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