Monday, November 3, 2008

Blog No. 10: Dogs or Cats

Dogs or Cats

As long as the animal is friendly, I like most kinds of animals. We have a cat that lives inside our house, but it also roams around the outside of our farm. We have had his cat, named Milo, for a very long time. My sister and I found it in February of the year 2000, so it has been a part of most of my remembered life. At that time in 2000, we also had a black lab named Copper. It was black, but we called it Copper because it had a brown spot above each of its eyes and on its toes. I don’t remember when we first got that dog or when we had to get rid of it. I know that we had that dog for most of my life because I found a picture of when I was 3 or 4 years old and I was carrying it around (it was a small puppy at that time). Eventually we had to get rid of it because it had cancer. Now we have a basset hound named Sophie. We have had for one and a half or two and a half years. It is a lot of fun to play with its ears or watch it hopelessly try to catch cats.

I don’t know if I like dogs or cats better because each one is so different. A dog can be an extremely hyper puppy that never stops getting into trouble or it could be a lazy old dog that lies around. Cats can be very independent to the extent that they hide when they know that someone is around, or they can be friendly and enjoy attention. I think that if I could have the perfect dog and the perfect cat, I would probably enjoy having the dog more. The dog is the one that always wants to see you as soon as you get home, but a cat will come find you when it feels like it.

1 comment:

Jacob Irons blog said...

I liked your blog on cats and dogs. I like how you explained that you cant really one hundred percent choose which one you like better because they are so different. I feel the same way. I also like how you said it depends on the particular animal "A dog can be an extremely hyper puppy that never stops getting into trouble or it could be a lazy old dog that lies around. Cats can be very independent to the extent that they hide when they know that someone is around, or they can be friendly and enjoy attention."I enjoyed reading this blog. Jacob Irons