Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blog No. 9: Fright Night

Fright Night

In my life, I have had very few experiences with Halloween. I can only remember going trick-or-treating twice and the first time was many years ago. I was so young that I cannot even remember anything about the night, except my costume. I was wearing a full body Superman suit complete with bright red boots and a cape! It was a good costume and I remember that it made me feel like I could fly if I really needed to.

The last year that I went trick-or-treating was the fall of my seventh grade year. I went with a group of friends in Minier. The group was: Ashley Mehl, Kassi Schroeder, Kent Graber, Ali Needles, Eric Smith, Lyndi Leesman, and I. Jonathon Gordon was supposed to come, but he couldn’t make it for some reason. When we weren’t trick-or-treating, we stayed at Lyndi’s house.

Everyone had a costume on that night, except me. Luckily someone had a Clark Kent costume that no one was wearing, so I wore that one. Kent wore a Superman costume, so it was cool because he was the hero and I was the hero’s secret identity. I really liked Eric’s costume because Pirates of the Caribbean was popular at that time, and he was dressed as Jack Sparrow. Ashley’ costume was Wonder Woman and Kassi was Super Girl. Lyndi dressed up like a cowgirl and Ali used makeup on her face to make her look like a cat.

On that night I was given many valuable things, but I did not realize what I had learned until a much later time. First of the valuable things was all of the candy that we collected. I think that we trick-or-treated too much because I didn’t eat all of my candy and the amount that I did eat was enough to make me feel sick! Then another thing happened that made me feel really awkward and confused. Someone was pressuring me to do something and I wanted to, but I was too scared. Now that I have a few years distance from the situation, someone else has taught me about what is really important and I am glad that I didn’t give in.

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