Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 4: Last day to live

I’m not ready to die yet, but I guess it’s good to have a plan just in case. If today was my last day then I would go to Menno Haven in Tiskilwa, IL. Menno Haven is a Mennonite camp and it is my favorite place in the world. I would want all of my camp friends to be there, including Mike, Gunnar, Hannah, and Christina even though they can’t go anymore because they are seniors. I wouldn’t have anything special to say to them, I just want to be there and hang out. We would play ultimate Frisbee and Persecution. Then we would go to campfire at the cross. I would also do the high ropes courses because I have always been too scared to do them, but if I’m going to die anyways then who cares?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 3: Confused Students

Every Friday our English class goes to a computer lab and looks up our blog topic and then we offer our thoughts about the subject. Today is different however because Brigs forgot to post a topic on the class website. What are we supposed to write about?

Even though we have only had 3 weeks of school, I was already prepared to give the “Best Teacher” award to Brigs. Then he forgot our blog topic. This mistake could cost Brigs dearly and he better pick it up if he hopes to get the coveted award.

Maybe next time he does something cool, like Michael Jordan’s Hall of Fame induction, he could take me with him.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 2: My Animal

If I was an animal instead of a human I would be a wolf. Wolves are not the biggest or fastest animals and they cannot take down their prey single-handedly. I relate this to my life because I have never been the biggest or fastest athlete and I am not talented enough to win team sport games by my own talent.

Wolves are able to hunt and kill prey that are larger than them because they hunt in packs and they work together to take the larger animal down. That is what I like about being on a team, it doesn’t matter how good each individual is, it is all about how the players on a team work together to attack the other team.

This may be a Hollywood version of a wolf, but when I think of a wolf I can hear it and picture it lifting its head to the moon and howling. I don’t scream at the moon but I love being outside under the stars and the moon on a clear night.

Week 1: A Special Meeting

If I could choose one person to meet and spend time with, I would choose Zinedine Zidane. I wouldn’t be surprised if I am the only person in this class that knows him, but Zizou -as he is known- is one of my favorite soccer players who have ever played. He is retired now but he used to play his club ball for powerhouse Real Madrid in the La Liga in Spain. Zizou was a native of France and he played for the French national team.

The aspect of Zidane’s game that is the most praised is how much control he has over the ball. Also it seems as if it is impossible to get the ball away from him. He keeps the ball so close to himself and uses his body to keep himself between defenders and the ball. He is a great passer and has one of the best imaginations in the game. He tries dribbling moves and passes that most people would never even think of.

Zidane retired from professional soccer after the 2006 World Cup. France was in the World Cup championship game against Italy, when the red card happened. In the second overtime Marco Materazzi and Zidane were exchanging words and then Zidane lowered his head and drove it right into Materazzi’s chest! Zizou was shown the red card and was ejected from the game. That altercation could have been the difference in the game because Zidane was not able to take a kick in the shootout after the game.

If I could meet Zinedine Zidane, I would be content to stand in the yard and juggle with him for hours. It would be awesome to see the things that he could do and hopefully learn some new tricks. If I could ask him any question I would ask, “What did Marco Materazzi say that made you so angry?”