Friday, September 4, 2009

Week 2: My Animal

If I was an animal instead of a human I would be a wolf. Wolves are not the biggest or fastest animals and they cannot take down their prey single-handedly. I relate this to my life because I have never been the biggest or fastest athlete and I am not talented enough to win team sport games by my own talent.

Wolves are able to hunt and kill prey that are larger than them because they hunt in packs and they work together to take the larger animal down. That is what I like about being on a team, it doesn’t matter how good each individual is, it is all about how the players on a team work together to attack the other team.

This may be a Hollywood version of a wolf, but when I think of a wolf I can hear it and picture it lifting its head to the moon and howling. I don’t scream at the moon but I love being outside under the stars and the moon on a clear night.


Jacob Irons blog said...

Come on Noah a wolf? Really? Everyone knows that unicorns are way better.

Alex Hish said...

oh man i agree with jacob but im not cool enough to be a unicorn so i also chose the wolf

Anna Schmidgall said...

the wolf is an awsome animal to choose!