Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 8: Gothic Garb

It is easy for me to pick my two favorite Halloween costumes because I have only ever dressed up twice. The first time that I went trick or treating I went with my older sister because she had a friend who had a little brother who was my age. We were probably five or six years old. I dressed up in a Superman costume. I loved that costume because it made me feel like I could fly. I don’t remember if I chose that costume for myself but if I did it was because I thought I was so strong when I was little.

After that year I never really wanted to go trick or treating. There was always some kind of party at the Assembly of God church in Minier and I always went to that. I still got a ton of candy but I got to play fun games to get it instead of running around to people’s houses. I guess I liked that better because I was scared to ask people for candy.

The last time that I went trick or treating was 7th grade I think. A bunch of people went to Lyndi Leesman’s house before and after trick or treating. I didn’t have a costume but someone gave me a Clark Kent costume to wear.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 7: Grizzly Man

If I had to be spending 6 months alone in nature I would want to be stranded on a tropical island similar to Gilligan’s Island. I chose this island because I will not have to worry about being killed by wildlife and there will be plenty of food and fresh water for me. On this island I would see many tortoises, lizards and iguanas, and many birds that live near water such as seagulls, cranes, and pelicans. There will be many trees with tropical fruits like bananas, pineapples, papaya, mangos, and coconuts.

Everybody wants to go to tropical islands for vacation, but would they want to go by themselves with no modern conveniences? No because it would be very difficult. I will have to deal with animals trying to steal my food and finding shelter to hide from tropical storms. Survival will not be my only problem though. I will also struggle to keep myself occupied because it will get very lonely and boring being all alone.

I will enjoy my trip to the tropical island because it will be beautiful, but who wants to eat bananas and fish their whole lives? I will be ready to come back home.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 6: My TV Show

My sitcom would air on one of the ESPN stations because otherwise it probably wouldn’t get many viewers. Every show we are going to take athletes or teams that play one sport and then we are going to have them play each other in another sport. Wouldn’t it be fun to watch the Chicago Blackhawks (hockey) play the Chicago Bulls (basketball) at Wrigley Field (baseball)? There would have to be some rules like everybody on the team would have to play a certain amount of the time. It wouldn’t be fun if they just took the best players and let them play. I think this show would be entertaining because it would be fun to see how bad some players are at other sports or it would be fun to see how good some players are at other sports. Also we could pick individual superstars such as LeBron James and Albert Pujols to play each other in Tennis or Golf. I would love to see this as a tv show.

Week 5: Censorship

I don’t believe that censorship is a good thing because that is taking away the author’s right to free speech. However I do believe that some books should not be allowed in school. Some subjects are inappropriate for children to read and many parents would be upset about some of the books that their children may find. I have seen examples of censorship in our school but not from books in the library. The censorship that I have seen is the information that is not always put into our history books. Earlier this year Mr. Brigs taught us interesting facts that we had never heard about important people and places in American history. Those facts have been censored because our government and school systems don’t want to blemish America’s reputation.