Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 7: Grizzly Man

If I had to be spending 6 months alone in nature I would want to be stranded on a tropical island similar to Gilligan’s Island. I chose this island because I will not have to worry about being killed by wildlife and there will be plenty of food and fresh water for me. On this island I would see many tortoises, lizards and iguanas, and many birds that live near water such as seagulls, cranes, and pelicans. There will be many trees with tropical fruits like bananas, pineapples, papaya, mangos, and coconuts.

Everybody wants to go to tropical islands for vacation, but would they want to go by themselves with no modern conveniences? No because it would be very difficult. I will have to deal with animals trying to steal my food and finding shelter to hide from tropical storms. Survival will not be my only problem though. I will also struggle to keep myself occupied because it will get very lonely and boring being all alone.

I will enjoy my trip to the tropical island because it will be beautiful, but who wants to eat bananas and fish their whole lives? I will be ready to come back home.


Jacob Irons blog said...

I have to admit a tropical island is pretty cool but Narnia is better.

abbys blog said...

That sounds like it would be cool and hard to live too. but that sounds fun!!!!

Alex Hish said...

i said i would want to be on an island too