Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 6: My TV Show

My sitcom would air on one of the ESPN stations because otherwise it probably wouldn’t get many viewers. Every show we are going to take athletes or teams that play one sport and then we are going to have them play each other in another sport. Wouldn’t it be fun to watch the Chicago Blackhawks (hockey) play the Chicago Bulls (basketball) at Wrigley Field (baseball)? There would have to be some rules like everybody on the team would have to play a certain amount of the time. It wouldn’t be fun if they just took the best players and let them play. I think this show would be entertaining because it would be fun to see how bad some players are at other sports or it would be fun to see how good some players are at other sports. Also we could pick individual superstars such as LeBron James and Albert Pujols to play each other in Tennis or Golf. I would love to see this as a tv show.


Alex Hish said...

thats awesome

Lindsay Morr said...

That would probably be halarious! You could have Tiger Woods play basketball and then have Lebron James or Kevin Garnett play Golf or something like that.

Jacob Irons blog said...

Noah you wpuld make a sports show.Phhh

ashleyyyy said...

Noah youre lame with all of your sports and such :p but lebron is a hottie so i might watch your show :)

Chrissy said...

You would do that noah. I dont really like sports so i would not watch it = )