Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog No. 8: Bad Habits

Bad Habits

When I was younger, I had this bad habit that I could not get rid of. Even now, I still do this occasionally, but not nearly as bad as I used to. This bad habit is chewing on my shirt collar. I don’t know why, but I always chewed on my collar when I was concentrating really hard. This habit was so bad that I chewed through one of my shirt collars! I have trained myself to stop chewing and I have trained other people to tell me to stop if they notice, but I still do it sometimes. I wish that someone would invent something that I could put on my collar to make it taste bad!

Procrastinating is another bad habit that I have. I usually turn my homework in on time, but sometimes I don’t do things until the very last minute. This has caused me a lot of unnecessary stress at school. I usually don’t procrastinate when I have math homework because I like math and it doesn’t take me very long to get done. I procrastinate with the other subjects (English, science, social studies) because it requires more thinking and I want to stay away from it as much as possible. I guess that means to fix my bad habit of procrastinating, I also have to fix the bad habit of being lazy.

Projects are the part of school that makes me procrastinate most. Projects are supposed to be a visual way to reinforce the information that has been learned. Usually, this serves no purpose for me because I learn the information without the extra work and it forces me to do things creatively. Creativity is not a great talent of mine, projects cause a lot of stress for me.

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