Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog No.7: Time Traveler

Time Traveler

It is really hard to choose a time that I would like to travel to because there have been so many awesome things that have happened that I would like to experience. I would rather go to somewhere backwards in time because I want to have control over my future. My decision will depend on what I want to be part of. Do I want to see a spectacular moment in sports or would I rather see a great battle in a great war? Or should I just travel to meet some great person to see what it was like for them to live?

If I wanted to see a great moment in sports, I would travel back to 1950 World Cup in Brazil. I love to play soccer and the World Cup is not only the greatest soccer event in the world, but it is the greatest sporting event in the world. At this time the United States was not supposed to do any good in the World Cup and England was known as the best team in the world. The roster for the US soccer team wasn’t even chosen until two weeks before the World Cup began! The United States first game was against England and no one gave them a chance. Then we shocked the world after we beat England 1-0! This was the greatest game ever played in the history of US soccer and I would have loved to have been a part of it.

I would want to meet any of the players on the soccer team, but there are a few that stand out the most. Joe Gaetjens is the man who scored the goal for the United States. I want to meet him because he wasn’t even an American citizen, but he was a great player and he really understood the game. The other player that I would want to meet is Frank Borghi because he was an amazing goalkeeper and he was the team leader.

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