Monday, October 6, 2008

Blog No. 6: Analysis of Being Frightened

Being Afraid

When I was younger, it wasn’t very hard to find stories that scared me. I could never watch a movie that is supposed to be a scary movie because I would stay up all night thinking about it. If I remember correctly, the movies that scared me most were about animals doing bad things more than humans because I understood that it is very rare for a person to hurt someone without a good reason. Animals were different though because they don’t think the same way that we do and that made me afraid. I like scary movies now because I am more aware of what kind of things can happen or what is just made up for a movie. Now it is fun to laugh at the stupid things that happen in scary movies!

I don’t get scared as easily now that I am a 15 year old freshman. I’m not afraid of being murdered by some crazy person or getting chased by a wild animal anymore. Even though I am afraid less often now, the fears that I do have are more real. Now I am afraid of hurting people’s feelings or being hurt by someone else, being diagnosed with a terrible disease or someone close to me having a disease, or hurting my physical body. The greatest fear I have today is telling someone that I have done something wrong. That is the hardest because I am afraid that the other person will be mad or I will be embarrassed.

There aren’t many things in common between what I used to be afraid of and what I fear now. The only link that I can think of is that many times, they are unnecessary fears. I think being afraid is almost the worst possible thing that you can do to yourself because we can’t even control most of the things that we are afraid of. Then people can waste their time worrying about what could happen and then they miss what is happening now. I try to deal with fear by not worrying about what I cannot control. If the fear is telling something to someone then I tell myself that no matter how they respond you will feel better if you get this out. Most of the time, everything turns out the way that it should.

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