Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog No. 5 A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

I am not a person that often has nightmares and they usually aren’t very serious when I do. The worst scenario is usually a broken arm or not being able to play soccer or basketball anymore. I rarely have a nightmare that puts me on the verge of death or in some scary situation like being kidnapped. Even when I do have that kind of nightmare, they are not my least favorite. My most terrifying nightmare is when something bad happens to someone that I love. I hate thinking about a friend or family member being very sick or in an accident or being hurt by someone else. I would rather be in there place so then I wouldn’t worry about them.

I cannot think of a dream that I have had over and over again. I would say that the closest thing to having a recurring dream would be seeing me play basketball or soccer. I don’t think that counts because it is never the exact same game. In all my years of life, I don’t think that I have ever had the exact same dream twice.

There have been many dreams that I wish that they would come true. Most of them have to do with what I want to be when I grow up, but there have also been dreams about where I want to be and who I want to be with. If I could pick any of these dreams, the one that I want to come true is playing soccer. I have dreamed before of playing in the EPL in England. The English Premier League is the top division of soccer in England, and is widely considered the best league in the world. I have dreamed of playing for Chelsea’s club and helping them win the Premiership and the Champions League. I know that this is a far fetched dream and I only want it to happen if I would be completely happy. Most likely, I would be happier with my other dreams of getting a good job and a family and living a normal life.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Blog No. 4 The Ideal Mate

The Ideal Mate

I have no idea who I will get married to when I grow up, but there are certain things that I would like in a wife. I don’t care about how she looks exactly, but generally I don’t want her to be really short. I hope that she isn’t taller than me, but I would feel weird if I had to look down to talk to her. Other than her not being to tall or to short, I don’t care about anything else about how she looks. Brown hair, blonde hair, brown eyes, blue eyes, it doesn’t matter to me. I care more about her personality, interests, and beliefs.

She will definitely laugh a lot and be easy to talk to. I am not always the best person at dealing with little kids, so it would also be a good thing for her to be a good mother and help me have patience. I hope that she will like sports–because if she doesn’t then I will probably get in trouble- and be athletic. I hope that she especially likes soccer because that is what I will be watching on TV most of the time. She will know a lot about music and she will be a good singer and piano player. I don’t have a specific job that I want her to have, but I hope that she does go to college and have something that she can be. I hope that we both have jobs that don’t require our full attention all the time, so that we do have time to spend together.

I know that she and I will not agree on everything, but there are some things that we will have to agree on for us to get married. I hope that we both agree that we are against smoking and drinking, because I don’t know if I could stand living with someone that smokes. Also I would always be worried that something bad will happen to her because of the smoking and alcohol. The most important thing is that she will have to be a Christian, because anybody that is a Christian is not supposed to get married to someone that is not a Christian.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blog Entry No. 3 Cop, Doctor, Dancer

Cop, Doctor, Dancer

I have lived on a hog farm for my whole life, so naturally the first job that I ever thought about having was a farmer. I always loved putting on my raggy old clothes and slipping on my work boots before going outside to help dad with the pigs. We would move pigs from one building to another and I thought it was a blast. I called it “chasing pigs.” I think I wanted to be a farmer until I was 6 or 7 years old. At some point, farm work stopped being fun and it became….work. Then I had to think of another dream job for when I grew up. I don’t remember how old I was, but there was also a time that I wanted to be an artist. That phase didn’t last long because I soon found out that I am not a very good artist.

Once I started school, I wanted to be what most other boys want to be at some point. I turned to sports jobs and the first was becoming a professional basketball player. I played basketball in a league called the Christian Center, and I think that league is what made me want to be in the NBA. All of the teams had names of NBA teams, so I felt cool to be able to say that I play for the Bulls! It wasn’t until around sixth grade that I decided that the NBA is not the place for me. In sixth grade, soccer became important in my life. I had never been so passionate about anything else in my life and I still haven’t found anything that I love more. My dream job would be to play soccer professionally for as long as my body will let me, and then become a coach or scout or something that keeps me involved in the game.

I don’t know what job I see myself doing when I grow up. If soccer doesn’t work out, I have no idea what I want to become or even what I want to study at college. I guess I will have to keep working hard at soccer and my classes in school, so that one of the two should work out for me somehow.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog Entry No. 2: Best Time, Right?

Best Time, Right?

I have heard adults say that your teenage years are the best years of your and it is hard not to believe them, because they have been through it already. I do not agree with this statement anyways. I think that right now is the best time of the life that I have lived so far, because I have more freedom than ever before and I am involved in more things, but I think I will see better times by the end of my life.

There are many things in my life that I will probably regret doing – or not doing – if I look back on my life fifteen years later. I would regret that I made my parents let me quit taking piano lessons, because I would have been really good and I already miss being able to play. There would be other regrets, but I think that is the one that I will think the most about. Even though I will wish that I appreciated my life more, I also can’t imagine changing many things that I do right now.

To me happiness is being able to say that I may not always do or say the right thing, but I always do everything the very best that I can. Happiness also comes more from relationships with people and how you think of yourself then things that you own or can buy. I really would love to play soccer professionally, but if I’m not happy then it isn’t worth it. I would rather be working a tedious job of long hours behind a desk, but be able to go home and see my beautiful wife and children and be the happiest guy in the world. I think the very best time of my life will come at different times in my life. The first one would be the day I get married. The next would be the birth of a child. Then any time anything significant happens to my kid(s) (i.e. first step, first word, first day of school, graduating high school, etc.) would make me very happy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Entry No. 1: Welcome to my Blog

Hello, my name is Noah Litwiller. I am a freshman at Olympia High School and I am keeping this blog for my English 1 Writing class. I will post a blog once a week for the rest of this semester.

There are many things that I like to do in my free time. My favorite thing to do is to play sports, especially soccer. I am on the high school soccer team and it is a lot of fun. My favorite part is that I get to play with and against juniors and seniors, so it is a challenge to compete with the older and stronger guys. I also played basketball and was on the track team, in middle school. I know that I want to play basketball, but I haven’t decided about track yet. I also like playing and listening to music. I play piano and I am a percussionist. I am a snare on the drum line for the Olympia marching band. My favorite band to listen to is Linkin Park but I like artists from all different genres of music. My favorite actor is Kevin Costner, because I can’t think of watching a movie that he was in and not liking it. My favorite movies that he is in are “Dragonfly” and “The Guardian.”

I usually like to set goals pretty high, because it gives me something to work for and it is more exciting if I do meet them. At the end of my four years of high school, I want to have a GPA that is higher than 4.0 and I want to be one of the top students in our class. I’m not going to go as far as to say that a state championship is one of my soccer goals. Instead, my first goal is to try to get people interested in playing so that we have a team every year. Individually, my goal is to keep improving every season and I would love to have the chance to play college soccer! My basketball goals are not as safe because I have seen our program keep improving every year and I now know that anything is possible. I want to play in state with the basketball team and I want to be known as one of the best jump shooters in the state.

My favorite subject to study in school is math. I think I have always liked math because I usually don’t have to think about things. Math is more of a memorization subject in a way. You learn how to figure things out and then you do it. In other subjects, you are asked a question, then you have to think about several different options, and sometimes you even have to think from different point of views. That really stresses me out. Another educational goal I have for high school is to always try my best no matter what subject or assignment. My first semester classes this are English 1 Writing, Intro to Ag, Geometry, and Band. My second semester classes are Accelerated Science, PE/Health, Social Studies, and Band. My advisor is Mr. Brigham.