Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Entry No. 1: Welcome to my Blog

Hello, my name is Noah Litwiller. I am a freshman at Olympia High School and I am keeping this blog for my English 1 Writing class. I will post a blog once a week for the rest of this semester.

There are many things that I like to do in my free time. My favorite thing to do is to play sports, especially soccer. I am on the high school soccer team and it is a lot of fun. My favorite part is that I get to play with and against juniors and seniors, so it is a challenge to compete with the older and stronger guys. I also played basketball and was on the track team, in middle school. I know that I want to play basketball, but I haven’t decided about track yet. I also like playing and listening to music. I play piano and I am a percussionist. I am a snare on the drum line for the Olympia marching band. My favorite band to listen to is Linkin Park but I like artists from all different genres of music. My favorite actor is Kevin Costner, because I can’t think of watching a movie that he was in and not liking it. My favorite movies that he is in are “Dragonfly” and “The Guardian.”

I usually like to set goals pretty high, because it gives me something to work for and it is more exciting if I do meet them. At the end of my four years of high school, I want to have a GPA that is higher than 4.0 and I want to be one of the top students in our class. I’m not going to go as far as to say that a state championship is one of my soccer goals. Instead, my first goal is to try to get people interested in playing so that we have a team every year. Individually, my goal is to keep improving every season and I would love to have the chance to play college soccer! My basketball goals are not as safe because I have seen our program keep improving every year and I now know that anything is possible. I want to play in state with the basketball team and I want to be known as one of the best jump shooters in the state.

My favorite subject to study in school is math. I think I have always liked math because I usually don’t have to think about things. Math is more of a memorization subject in a way. You learn how to figure things out and then you do it. In other subjects, you are asked a question, then you have to think about several different options, and sometimes you even have to think from different point of views. That really stresses me out. Another educational goal I have for high school is to always try my best no matter what subject or assignment. My first semester classes this are English 1 Writing, Intro to Ag, Geometry, and Band. My second semester classes are Accelerated Science, PE/Health, Social Studies, and Band. My advisor is Mr. Brigham.

1 comment:

Nick Garland said...

Noah, I really liked the details that you used in your blog. I like how you chose to set different standards for different sports. I too think that anything is possible and that you should always expect the best. I too agree with your high expectations of the basketball team. This is my first year on the team and I'm going to try my best during every game. I also really liked how you chose to set high academic goals for yourself too. I know that you are a very smart and well educated person. I am glad to see you have high expectations of what's to come. I hope that you actually do manage to excel in all of your goals

Nick Garland