Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blog Entry No. 3 Cop, Doctor, Dancer

Cop, Doctor, Dancer

I have lived on a hog farm for my whole life, so naturally the first job that I ever thought about having was a farmer. I always loved putting on my raggy old clothes and slipping on my work boots before going outside to help dad with the pigs. We would move pigs from one building to another and I thought it was a blast. I called it “chasing pigs.” I think I wanted to be a farmer until I was 6 or 7 years old. At some point, farm work stopped being fun and it became….work. Then I had to think of another dream job for when I grew up. I don’t remember how old I was, but there was also a time that I wanted to be an artist. That phase didn’t last long because I soon found out that I am not a very good artist.

Once I started school, I wanted to be what most other boys want to be at some point. I turned to sports jobs and the first was becoming a professional basketball player. I played basketball in a league called the Christian Center, and I think that league is what made me want to be in the NBA. All of the teams had names of NBA teams, so I felt cool to be able to say that I play for the Bulls! It wasn’t until around sixth grade that I decided that the NBA is not the place for me. In sixth grade, soccer became important in my life. I had never been so passionate about anything else in my life and I still haven’t found anything that I love more. My dream job would be to play soccer professionally for as long as my body will let me, and then become a coach or scout or something that keeps me involved in the game.

I don’t know what job I see myself doing when I grow up. If soccer doesn’t work out, I have no idea what I want to become or even what I want to study at college. I guess I will have to keep working hard at soccer and my classes in school, so that one of the two should work out for me somehow.

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