Monday, September 22, 2008

Blog No. 4 The Ideal Mate

The Ideal Mate

I have no idea who I will get married to when I grow up, but there are certain things that I would like in a wife. I don’t care about how she looks exactly, but generally I don’t want her to be really short. I hope that she isn’t taller than me, but I would feel weird if I had to look down to talk to her. Other than her not being to tall or to short, I don’t care about anything else about how she looks. Brown hair, blonde hair, brown eyes, blue eyes, it doesn’t matter to me. I care more about her personality, interests, and beliefs.

She will definitely laugh a lot and be easy to talk to. I am not always the best person at dealing with little kids, so it would also be a good thing for her to be a good mother and help me have patience. I hope that she will like sports–because if she doesn’t then I will probably get in trouble- and be athletic. I hope that she especially likes soccer because that is what I will be watching on TV most of the time. She will know a lot about music and she will be a good singer and piano player. I don’t have a specific job that I want her to have, but I hope that she does go to college and have something that she can be. I hope that we both have jobs that don’t require our full attention all the time, so that we do have time to spend together.

I know that she and I will not agree on everything, but there are some things that we will have to agree on for us to get married. I hope that we both agree that we are against smoking and drinking, because I don’t know if I could stand living with someone that smokes. Also I would always be worried that something bad will happen to her because of the smoking and alcohol. The most important thing is that she will have to be a Christian, because anybody that is a Christian is not supposed to get married to someone that is not a Christian.

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