Friday, December 4, 2009

Week 2A: A Star is Born

If I could star in a movie it would have to be a sports movie. If you have ever seen the movie Goal: The Dream Begins it would be sorta like that. I love that movie because it is about soccer and it’s inspirational because the main character has to overcome so many obstacles. This would be a good movie for me because I am good at soccer so I could do all of the soccer skills for myself instead of using doubles.

I would shoot this movie in England because that is where the best soccer in the world is played. I don’t know who I could use for costars because I would need kids my age but I don’t know many actors/actresses that are my age. For my wardrobe I would just wear clothes like a regular teenager.

The story would be about this kid (me) who is a good student and could probably do whatever he wants to do but all he cares about is becoming a soccer player. He is even further driven to the soccer field as he often struggles with relationships. There is one girl, Cadence, in particular who is his best friend but he never knows where their relationship should go. They both are frustrated.

I get invited to a soccer camp in the summer and I get noticed by scouts from Everton and they invite me to try out for the U-17 team. I go to the tryout but I perform terribly. I do not make the team and then I come home angry. I have no one to blame but myself but I am angry at the world in general. Cadence has enough of it eventually and she talks some sense into me. Then I go back to the tryouts the next year and I make the team.

This movie is basically the story of my life.

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