Thursday, December 17, 2009

Week 5A: Dumb Laws

I think that one of the dumbest laws is that smoking is legal. We have all this information about how it increases the chances of cancer and heart disease and it kills people but we still do it. What I hate the most is that it affects the smart people who decide that they don’t want to smoke because they inhale secondhand smoke. If smoking was illegal then Americans would be a lot healthier and more convenient because we wouldn’t have to worry about choosing smoking or nonsmoking sections of restaurants.

Another dumb law is that people who live in Hawaii may be fined if they don’t own a boat. There is plenty to do in water without a boat. You can swim, surf, snorkel, lie on the beach, play beach soccer of volleyball, etc. Also what if a family cannot afford a boat?


Chrissy said...

Yay i agree, smoking is stupid

Austin Huffington said...

so if you dont want to buy a boat dont move there