Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Week 4A: Dollar Dollar Bills

If I had $5,000,000 I probably wouldn’t spend much of it for awhile. What I am really concerned with right now is how I am going to afford to go to college. I know that I will get some scholarship money but to make sure that I have enough money to cover the expenses I will assume that college will cost me $35,000 per year for 4-6 years (depending on what I study). In that case college will cost me $140,000-$210,000.

There are a few things that I would buy now or during college. I don’t know for sure what kind, but I would get a new iPod of MP3. I don’t think that it would cost more than $200. I would also get the nicest soccer cleats and shin guards that I can find. These would cost me maybe $300. I would also play soccer with Illinois Fusion. They are a club team that I want to play with now but it is expensive. That would cost me around $1000. Any other money I would spend would be on going to sporting events such as the Chicago Fire or Bears or Bulls. I would spend maybe 2 or 3 thousand dollars on this.

After college I would still have around $4,785,000 left. I would spend more on things like gas, food, movies, and birthday or Christmas presents but I would also be getting money from working and bank interest.


shelby said...

that sounds like a pretty good way to spend your money! minus the sporting events haha :)

Anna Schmidgall said...

that sounds like a pretty good plan to me

Sammy! said...

i didnt even think about spending that money on college. :p whoops

Chrissy said...

you would spend your money on sports. why wouldnt you go shopping or something fun like that?

claire dubree's blog(: said...

you should get season box seat tickets for the cardinals !!!

Lindsay Morr said...

A chicago bulls game would be really fun to go to!

Noah Litwiller said...

chrissy dont you know that there are stores at professional stadiums?

Austin Huffington said...

so noah u left out the part were jacob takes half your money

Jacob Irons blog said...

I dont know what Austins talking about. Im gunna take it all.