Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog No. 14: Introvert or Extrovert?

Introvert or Extrovert?

For me, the hardest part of high school is dealing with other people. I am shy around groups of people especially if they are not people that I talk to regularly. I had never heard of these two classifications before today, but I suppose I am an introvert. I hope that there is some cure for this disease!

This year I have had problems with people always thinking that there is something wrong with me because I am quiet. I am quiet most of the time because I feel awkward around groups of people. Usually I only speak when spoken too because I don’t like being the center of attention. Some of you reading this may think “Yea right, I wish you would shut up!” Well if you are thinking that then that means that I am close enough to you to feel comfortable.

The problem with being quiet is that no one knows what I am thinking or how I am feeling. I am a much closed person so I am not going to tell someone how I feel unless someone asks. Even then I still sometimes hold it in. This is probably my worst habit because I hold in too much and it drags me down.

When I am worn out and I need a boost of energy, I do not want to be around a lot of people. Being around people is what usually makes me stressed. I don’t want to be completely alone either because I spend most of my time alone. I live in the country and all my siblings have moved out so I have to be by myself most of the time. When I want to recharge my batteries, the best way is to spend time relaxing with one my best friends.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Blog No. 13: Wow That Was One BIG Turkey

Wow, That Was One BIG Turkey

This year, Thanksgiving was a little bit disappointing. Most families have big family dinners then they spend the weekend relaxing together. Few family members were able to come at all last weekend and I did not get time to relax.

Thanksgiving Day started all right, I was able to sleep in. I woke up at 10 o’clock which doesn’t sound that great, but I was used to getting up early enough to get to school at 6 o’clock on week days! I didn’t do much after waking up; mostly I occasionally watched the parades.

At one o’clock, Mom, Dad, and I drove in town to my grandparents’ house for our Thanksgiving meal. Boy that was exciting! The only family that was there, other than my family, was my grandparents’ and my great aunts Lois and Carolyn. None of my dad’s brothers or sister came so there were no cousins. I would have gone insane if my brother Ben, sister Rosie, and Ben’s brother-in-law Michael didn’t come. They left as soon as they were done eating without even asking me if I wanted to come along! With nothing else to do and no one to talk to I watched college basketball and football on TV for the next couple of hours. Finally I received a text from Rosie that said that I could go over to the community building with the Charneske’s if I wanted to (they are my brother’s wife’s family).

When I got to the community building with the Charneske’s, my day began to get better. We had a lot of fun playing spoons, listening to music, and playing with baby Austin. They had good food there too! When it was dark outside, we played hide and seek around town. Hide and seek may not have been such a good idea because I was already coughing some and it was really cold outside. I think playing hide and seek and basketball is why I am still sick now.
I was feeling very anxious all day Friday because we had our first game of the Thanksgiving Classic basketball tournament at Olympia. The junior varsity team had a walk-through practice at 8 o’clock Friday morning because Coach Hawkins didn’t want us to lie around all day before the game. After practice, I went home and relaxed for the rest of the day trying to keep my mind off the game.

Finally it came time to start thinking about basketball. I was really nervous because this was my first high school basketball game and I didn’t know what it was going to be like. Everything went really well and we beat Heyworth 51-28. I scored seven points and Michael Hallstein got a dunk!

After our game we had to watch the varsity team play Heyworth. Olympia is ranked #4 in the state, so they were supposed to win the tournament. It wasn’t easy for them, but they did pull off the win against Heyworth. The game seemed more exciting than usual, probably because the JV team sat together right behind the team bench and the Blue Crew was standing right behind us. It was intense!

We had two games Saturday, one against Leroy and one against Roanoke-Benson. The nerves were mostly gone, so I just went out and played. We beat Leroy and Roanoke-Benson, for the championship. I think the scores were 48-33 and 57-46. The varsity also won their two games, so both teams won their tournaments and started the season 3-0!

I really started feeling sick sometime Friday or Saturday, so I didn’t do anything on Sunday. My parents didn’t even make me go to church, so I stayed home and slept in. When I did get up, I didn’t really do anything productive at all.

Even though I was sick most of the weekend (and still am) it was a great weekend!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Blog No. 12: What to do without electricity?

12 Things to do with no Power
(Prompt No. 7)

Electricity has been a discovery that has greatly influenced the lives of humans. Almost everything that we do requires electricity to function, including cooking food, cleaning the house and dishes, or lighting or homes. Electricity has also become the biggest source of entertainment. We watch TV, play games or use the internet on the computer, or play game systems.

We have become so dependent on using electricity that we forget how much fun we can have without it. What would happen if your parents said that you weren’t allowed to use your TV or computer for a day? Would you complain and be miserable all day or would you take the opportunity to find new ways to have fun? I hope that you, or anybody that this may happen to, would find alternative ways to have fun. After all, what did people do in the 17th century, before electricity was discovered? They found ways to have fun too.

1. Go take a nap. This first option may not be considered as something fun to do, but it sometimes can be the best thing to do. Many times I don’t get to bed soon enough and I have to wake up way to early, so a nap feels good when I take one.

2. My next option is to read a book. I like to read and if I am feeling lazy, but not tired enough to take a nap, reading is very relaxing.

3. Another good way to have a good time is to play card games. I used to play with my family a lot and we always had fun.

4. Board games, like Monopoly and Life, are loads of fun too.

5. This option is only for people that can play a musical instrument. It takes a lot of practice to be
good at guitar or piano or any instrument, so when electricity is not available is a good time to practice.

6. The rest of my suggestions all happen outdoors. The first is to walk the dog. Then the dog will be happy and it is fun to play with dogs.

7. A dog is not needed to take a walk. Taking a walk or going for a run can be fun and it feels good.

8. When I don’t have enough energy to run, and it is pointless to walk, I love to go on a bike ride. A bike ride does not need to be exerting and a lot of ground can be covered.

9. This is my favorite option on my list of 12, but it works best if you have friends to play with you. Playing a sport has always been my favorite thing to do with friends. It doesn’t matter if we are playing basketball, baseball, football, or soccer, it is always fun.

10. When my friends and I weren’t playing sports, we were often times playing capture the flag. That is a fun game because all that you need is space to play and something that you can use for flags.

11. A scavenger hunt is fun too. This can be done alone or with friends. All that needs to be done is to make a list of things to find and then go do it.

12. The last thing that can be done without electricity is volunteering to help someone. It doesn’t matter who it is that you help or what you do, but it will make you feel good and keep you occupied. What activities that could be done may depend on the weather, such as mowing the lawn, raking leaves, or shoveling snow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Blog No. 11: Top Ten Stories of 2008

Top Ten Stories of 2008

Today is November 10, 2008, so this year is just about over. Today I decided to look back at this year and list the best things that have happened to me. Hopefully the Thanksgiving and Christmas meals will be able to top anything else that is on this list, but here it is for now.

10. The spring of my 8th grade year was my last chance to play for OJSC (Olympia Junior Soccer Club). It was a lot of fun because it was the best OJSC team that I had ever been on. Before that season, there were three teams that we had never beaten before. Those teams were Washington, Pearce, and Germantown. During that season, we beat Washington and Pearce and I scored a goal in each game! Unfortunately we lost by 5 or 6 goals to Germantown (I lost track) and we didn’t score at all. It was still a really fun season and I think our final record was 4 wins and 3 losses.

9. After I graduated middle school, I played for the Olympia High school soccer team. This year was the first year that we were a varsity team and I think it was the most successful team that Olympia has ever had! It was a good team because we had a lot of seniors that had been through this before and they really helped me understand what was going on. It was exciting to be able to score a couple goals, but the best part was being able to play against older guys. I liked having the challenge.

8. Last May, I went to Washington D.C. as a part of the 8th grade trip. We were picked up by charter buses at Olympia, and then we drove to Midway airport in Chicago. Students from Morton went along with us. That trip to D.C. was the first time that I had ever ridden a plane. It was the scariest thing that I had ever done in my life, but it was a lot of fun. In D.C, I had a lot of fun times with my roommates Jacob, Matt Schmidt, and Matt Schroeder. A highlight of that trip was watching a play that required audience participation. It was a murder mystery that we had to solve. One of the suspects looked like Howie from Deal or no Deal and he was gay! Climbing on giant rocks and looking over the Gettysburg battlefield was fun too.

7. On November 1, my sister Rosie and I went to an Illinois football game. I had never been to a college or professional football game before, so it was really exciting. Illinois played Iowa and they won the close game 27-24. I had never seen as much orange as what was in that stadium! After the game, we went back to Bloomington and ate at Fiesta Ranchera, before going back to Rosie’s apartment. It was a great day.

6. July 8 was a scary day for many people, I got my drivers permit! I took drivers ed during the summer because if I waited for school, then I would have gotten my license after I already turned 16. I am comfortable driving anywhere now, but it will get interesting again when the roads get icy and snow covered.

5. For the last two winters, I have played indoor soccer at Lincoln Christian College. This year I decided that it would be fun to go to the soccer camp there. Sam Rosa is the coach and he is awesome because he is Brazilian! I went to camp with Hannah and Melissa, but there were other kids from Olympia there too. My roommate was Caleb Jennings. I think I played more soccer that week than the rest of my life combined! I was really sore by the end of the week, but it was all worth it. Cade was a college student there that helped us and he was really funny. I enjoyed talking to him especially when he would make fun of Sam. Sam always called us square heads for some reason.

4. Last years varsity team at Olympia had a great season. I don’t know if it was the best ever at Oly, but it was definitely the best that I remember. We made it to the Elite Eight, one game away from state! I went to just about every game that season, home and away. I usually went with the same group of friends: Hannah, Melissa, and Taylor (sometimes Dean). The best part of that season was when we scored 84 points on Central Catholic in the Sectional game!

3. I spent a lot of time with Hannah Bauersfeld and her family last summer. I really enjoyed that because they were a lot of fun to be with and we did fun things together. The best time was when we went to Champaign. We left on a Saturday and we ate at the Candy Kitchen. It was a nice old restaurant that served food, ice cream, and made lots of candy. Then we went to see their Uncle Bill who moved into a new retirement home. He was the only person living there at the time. Uncle Bill is 100 years old, but he is still healthy and can do just about anything! After playing a few games of pool and talking with Uncle Bill, we went to Hannah’s grandparents’ house to stay. They were not home but they had fixed the house up for us and even made us food for the night. We spent most of the rest of the night watching the Beijing Olympics. Sunday morning we went to church and then we went into Champaign to see a play. The play that we saw was “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream coat.” It was a really funny play and it was worth spending two days with Hannah’s family!

2. 8th grade track was a great experience. 1. I got out of doing long jump 2. I got out of doing the open 400 meters 3. I was put into doing the mile and the 4x100 meter relay. I wanted to be in the mile because I felt a lot better about running a longer distance than a sprint. In a sprint you have to be physically better, but in the mile it is more mental because you have to make yourself go as hard as you can and you have to decide when to make a move and when to hang back. I was nervous about the 4x100 because I was afraid that I would mess up the team. I was not as fast as the other three, so I was worried that I would get blamed for losing. In the end, I didn’t have to worry about it because we hardly ever lost! We made it to state in the 4x100 and we placed 15th in state. We were less than a second away from being the second fastest team! The state track meet was one of the best experiences of my life.

1. The best experience of 2008 was seeing David Beckham play soccer! For my birthday, Rosie bought tickets to see the Los Angeles Galaxy (Beckham’s team) play at D.C. United in Washington D.C. It was funny because before the 8th grade trip, I had never ridden a plane before and then I took two trips in less than a month! We stayed in Virginia for almost a week because we have cousins that live there. It was fun to hang out with them especially Braden. Braden is my little 2 year old cousin and I had never really met him before. He was fun to play with. Finally it was Sunday and it was time to go into D.C. for the game. We didn’t drive all the way into town because it is easier to take the metro. It was a weird feeling to ride backwards! We got to the Stadium and I was amazed when I saw how big it was! I have been to soccer games at Toyota Park in Chicago and it wasn’t nearly as big as the stadium in D.C. I wanted LA to win, but D.C. won 4-1. That was okay because I got to see David Beckham and a lot of goals!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Blog No. 10: Dogs or Cats

Dogs or Cats

As long as the animal is friendly, I like most kinds of animals. We have a cat that lives inside our house, but it also roams around the outside of our farm. We have had his cat, named Milo, for a very long time. My sister and I found it in February of the year 2000, so it has been a part of most of my remembered life. At that time in 2000, we also had a black lab named Copper. It was black, but we called it Copper because it had a brown spot above each of its eyes and on its toes. I don’t remember when we first got that dog or when we had to get rid of it. I know that we had that dog for most of my life because I found a picture of when I was 3 or 4 years old and I was carrying it around (it was a small puppy at that time). Eventually we had to get rid of it because it had cancer. Now we have a basset hound named Sophie. We have had for one and a half or two and a half years. It is a lot of fun to play with its ears or watch it hopelessly try to catch cats.

I don’t know if I like dogs or cats better because each one is so different. A dog can be an extremely hyper puppy that never stops getting into trouble or it could be a lazy old dog that lies around. Cats can be very independent to the extent that they hide when they know that someone is around, or they can be friendly and enjoy attention. I think that if I could have the perfect dog and the perfect cat, I would probably enjoy having the dog more. The dog is the one that always wants to see you as soon as you get home, but a cat will come find you when it feels like it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blog No. 9: Fright Night

Fright Night

In my life, I have had very few experiences with Halloween. I can only remember going trick-or-treating twice and the first time was many years ago. I was so young that I cannot even remember anything about the night, except my costume. I was wearing a full body Superman suit complete with bright red boots and a cape! It was a good costume and I remember that it made me feel like I could fly if I really needed to.

The last year that I went trick-or-treating was the fall of my seventh grade year. I went with a group of friends in Minier. The group was: Ashley Mehl, Kassi Schroeder, Kent Graber, Ali Needles, Eric Smith, Lyndi Leesman, and I. Jonathon Gordon was supposed to come, but he couldn’t make it for some reason. When we weren’t trick-or-treating, we stayed at Lyndi’s house.

Everyone had a costume on that night, except me. Luckily someone had a Clark Kent costume that no one was wearing, so I wore that one. Kent wore a Superman costume, so it was cool because he was the hero and I was the hero’s secret identity. I really liked Eric’s costume because Pirates of the Caribbean was popular at that time, and he was dressed as Jack Sparrow. Ashley’ costume was Wonder Woman and Kassi was Super Girl. Lyndi dressed up like a cowgirl and Ali used makeup on her face to make her look like a cat.

On that night I was given many valuable things, but I did not realize what I had learned until a much later time. First of the valuable things was all of the candy that we collected. I think that we trick-or-treated too much because I didn’t eat all of my candy and the amount that I did eat was enough to make me feel sick! Then another thing happened that made me feel really awkward and confused. Someone was pressuring me to do something and I wanted to, but I was too scared. Now that I have a few years distance from the situation, someone else has taught me about what is really important and I am glad that I didn’t give in.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog No. 8: Bad Habits

Bad Habits

When I was younger, I had this bad habit that I could not get rid of. Even now, I still do this occasionally, but not nearly as bad as I used to. This bad habit is chewing on my shirt collar. I don’t know why, but I always chewed on my collar when I was concentrating really hard. This habit was so bad that I chewed through one of my shirt collars! I have trained myself to stop chewing and I have trained other people to tell me to stop if they notice, but I still do it sometimes. I wish that someone would invent something that I could put on my collar to make it taste bad!

Procrastinating is another bad habit that I have. I usually turn my homework in on time, but sometimes I don’t do things until the very last minute. This has caused me a lot of unnecessary stress at school. I usually don’t procrastinate when I have math homework because I like math and it doesn’t take me very long to get done. I procrastinate with the other subjects (English, science, social studies) because it requires more thinking and I want to stay away from it as much as possible. I guess that means to fix my bad habit of procrastinating, I also have to fix the bad habit of being lazy.

Projects are the part of school that makes me procrastinate most. Projects are supposed to be a visual way to reinforce the information that has been learned. Usually, this serves no purpose for me because I learn the information without the extra work and it forces me to do things creatively. Creativity is not a great talent of mine, projects cause a lot of stress for me.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blog No.7: Time Traveler

Time Traveler

It is really hard to choose a time that I would like to travel to because there have been so many awesome things that have happened that I would like to experience. I would rather go to somewhere backwards in time because I want to have control over my future. My decision will depend on what I want to be part of. Do I want to see a spectacular moment in sports or would I rather see a great battle in a great war? Or should I just travel to meet some great person to see what it was like for them to live?

If I wanted to see a great moment in sports, I would travel back to 1950 World Cup in Brazil. I love to play soccer and the World Cup is not only the greatest soccer event in the world, but it is the greatest sporting event in the world. At this time the United States was not supposed to do any good in the World Cup and England was known as the best team in the world. The roster for the US soccer team wasn’t even chosen until two weeks before the World Cup began! The United States first game was against England and no one gave them a chance. Then we shocked the world after we beat England 1-0! This was the greatest game ever played in the history of US soccer and I would have loved to have been a part of it.

I would want to meet any of the players on the soccer team, but there are a few that stand out the most. Joe Gaetjens is the man who scored the goal for the United States. I want to meet him because he wasn’t even an American citizen, but he was a great player and he really understood the game. The other player that I would want to meet is Frank Borghi because he was an amazing goalkeeper and he was the team leader.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Blog No. 6: Analysis of Being Frightened

Being Afraid

When I was younger, it wasn’t very hard to find stories that scared me. I could never watch a movie that is supposed to be a scary movie because I would stay up all night thinking about it. If I remember correctly, the movies that scared me most were about animals doing bad things more than humans because I understood that it is very rare for a person to hurt someone without a good reason. Animals were different though because they don’t think the same way that we do and that made me afraid. I like scary movies now because I am more aware of what kind of things can happen or what is just made up for a movie. Now it is fun to laugh at the stupid things that happen in scary movies!

I don’t get scared as easily now that I am a 15 year old freshman. I’m not afraid of being murdered by some crazy person or getting chased by a wild animal anymore. Even though I am afraid less often now, the fears that I do have are more real. Now I am afraid of hurting people’s feelings or being hurt by someone else, being diagnosed with a terrible disease or someone close to me having a disease, or hurting my physical body. The greatest fear I have today is telling someone that I have done something wrong. That is the hardest because I am afraid that the other person will be mad or I will be embarrassed.

There aren’t many things in common between what I used to be afraid of and what I fear now. The only link that I can think of is that many times, they are unnecessary fears. I think being afraid is almost the worst possible thing that you can do to yourself because we can’t even control most of the things that we are afraid of. Then people can waste their time worrying about what could happen and then they miss what is happening now. I try to deal with fear by not worrying about what I cannot control. If the fear is telling something to someone then I tell myself that no matter how they respond you will feel better if you get this out. Most of the time, everything turns out the way that it should.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Blog No. 5 A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

I am not a person that often has nightmares and they usually aren’t very serious when I do. The worst scenario is usually a broken arm or not being able to play soccer or basketball anymore. I rarely have a nightmare that puts me on the verge of death or in some scary situation like being kidnapped. Even when I do have that kind of nightmare, they are not my least favorite. My most terrifying nightmare is when something bad happens to someone that I love. I hate thinking about a friend or family member being very sick or in an accident or being hurt by someone else. I would rather be in there place so then I wouldn’t worry about them.

I cannot think of a dream that I have had over and over again. I would say that the closest thing to having a recurring dream would be seeing me play basketball or soccer. I don’t think that counts because it is never the exact same game. In all my years of life, I don’t think that I have ever had the exact same dream twice.

There have been many dreams that I wish that they would come true. Most of them have to do with what I want to be when I grow up, but there have also been dreams about where I want to be and who I want to be with. If I could pick any of these dreams, the one that I want to come true is playing soccer. I have dreamed before of playing in the EPL in England. The English Premier League is the top division of soccer in England, and is widely considered the best league in the world. I have dreamed of playing for Chelsea’s club and helping them win the Premiership and the Champions League. I know that this is a far fetched dream and I only want it to happen if I would be completely happy. Most likely, I would be happier with my other dreams of getting a good job and a family and living a normal life.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Blog No. 4 The Ideal Mate

The Ideal Mate

I have no idea who I will get married to when I grow up, but there are certain things that I would like in a wife. I don’t care about how she looks exactly, but generally I don’t want her to be really short. I hope that she isn’t taller than me, but I would feel weird if I had to look down to talk to her. Other than her not being to tall or to short, I don’t care about anything else about how she looks. Brown hair, blonde hair, brown eyes, blue eyes, it doesn’t matter to me. I care more about her personality, interests, and beliefs.

She will definitely laugh a lot and be easy to talk to. I am not always the best person at dealing with little kids, so it would also be a good thing for her to be a good mother and help me have patience. I hope that she will like sports–because if she doesn’t then I will probably get in trouble- and be athletic. I hope that she especially likes soccer because that is what I will be watching on TV most of the time. She will know a lot about music and she will be a good singer and piano player. I don’t have a specific job that I want her to have, but I hope that she does go to college and have something that she can be. I hope that we both have jobs that don’t require our full attention all the time, so that we do have time to spend together.

I know that she and I will not agree on everything, but there are some things that we will have to agree on for us to get married. I hope that we both agree that we are against smoking and drinking, because I don’t know if I could stand living with someone that smokes. Also I would always be worried that something bad will happen to her because of the smoking and alcohol. The most important thing is that she will have to be a Christian, because anybody that is a Christian is not supposed to get married to someone that is not a Christian.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blog Entry No. 3 Cop, Doctor, Dancer

Cop, Doctor, Dancer

I have lived on a hog farm for my whole life, so naturally the first job that I ever thought about having was a farmer. I always loved putting on my raggy old clothes and slipping on my work boots before going outside to help dad with the pigs. We would move pigs from one building to another and I thought it was a blast. I called it “chasing pigs.” I think I wanted to be a farmer until I was 6 or 7 years old. At some point, farm work stopped being fun and it became….work. Then I had to think of another dream job for when I grew up. I don’t remember how old I was, but there was also a time that I wanted to be an artist. That phase didn’t last long because I soon found out that I am not a very good artist.

Once I started school, I wanted to be what most other boys want to be at some point. I turned to sports jobs and the first was becoming a professional basketball player. I played basketball in a league called the Christian Center, and I think that league is what made me want to be in the NBA. All of the teams had names of NBA teams, so I felt cool to be able to say that I play for the Bulls! It wasn’t until around sixth grade that I decided that the NBA is not the place for me. In sixth grade, soccer became important in my life. I had never been so passionate about anything else in my life and I still haven’t found anything that I love more. My dream job would be to play soccer professionally for as long as my body will let me, and then become a coach or scout or something that keeps me involved in the game.

I don’t know what job I see myself doing when I grow up. If soccer doesn’t work out, I have no idea what I want to become or even what I want to study at college. I guess I will have to keep working hard at soccer and my classes in school, so that one of the two should work out for me somehow.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog Entry No. 2: Best Time, Right?

Best Time, Right?

I have heard adults say that your teenage years are the best years of your and it is hard not to believe them, because they have been through it already. I do not agree with this statement anyways. I think that right now is the best time of the life that I have lived so far, because I have more freedom than ever before and I am involved in more things, but I think I will see better times by the end of my life.

There are many things in my life that I will probably regret doing – or not doing – if I look back on my life fifteen years later. I would regret that I made my parents let me quit taking piano lessons, because I would have been really good and I already miss being able to play. There would be other regrets, but I think that is the one that I will think the most about. Even though I will wish that I appreciated my life more, I also can’t imagine changing many things that I do right now.

To me happiness is being able to say that I may not always do or say the right thing, but I always do everything the very best that I can. Happiness also comes more from relationships with people and how you think of yourself then things that you own or can buy. I really would love to play soccer professionally, but if I’m not happy then it isn’t worth it. I would rather be working a tedious job of long hours behind a desk, but be able to go home and see my beautiful wife and children and be the happiest guy in the world. I think the very best time of my life will come at different times in my life. The first one would be the day I get married. The next would be the birth of a child. Then any time anything significant happens to my kid(s) (i.e. first step, first word, first day of school, graduating high school, etc.) would make me very happy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Entry No. 1: Welcome to my Blog

Hello, my name is Noah Litwiller. I am a freshman at Olympia High School and I am keeping this blog for my English 1 Writing class. I will post a blog once a week for the rest of this semester.

There are many things that I like to do in my free time. My favorite thing to do is to play sports, especially soccer. I am on the high school soccer team and it is a lot of fun. My favorite part is that I get to play with and against juniors and seniors, so it is a challenge to compete with the older and stronger guys. I also played basketball and was on the track team, in middle school. I know that I want to play basketball, but I haven’t decided about track yet. I also like playing and listening to music. I play piano and I am a percussionist. I am a snare on the drum line for the Olympia marching band. My favorite band to listen to is Linkin Park but I like artists from all different genres of music. My favorite actor is Kevin Costner, because I can’t think of watching a movie that he was in and not liking it. My favorite movies that he is in are “Dragonfly” and “The Guardian.”

I usually like to set goals pretty high, because it gives me something to work for and it is more exciting if I do meet them. At the end of my four years of high school, I want to have a GPA that is higher than 4.0 and I want to be one of the top students in our class. I’m not going to go as far as to say that a state championship is one of my soccer goals. Instead, my first goal is to try to get people interested in playing so that we have a team every year. Individually, my goal is to keep improving every season and I would love to have the chance to play college soccer! My basketball goals are not as safe because I have seen our program keep improving every year and I now know that anything is possible. I want to play in state with the basketball team and I want to be known as one of the best jump shooters in the state.

My favorite subject to study in school is math. I think I have always liked math because I usually don’t have to think about things. Math is more of a memorization subject in a way. You learn how to figure things out and then you do it. In other subjects, you are asked a question, then you have to think about several different options, and sometimes you even have to think from different point of views. That really stresses me out. Another educational goal I have for high school is to always try my best no matter what subject or assignment. My first semester classes this are English 1 Writing, Intro to Ag, Geometry, and Band. My second semester classes are Accelerated Science, PE/Health, Social Studies, and Band. My advisor is Mr. Brigham.